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// false; 是否加載css this.djakBoss = options.djakBoss || options.chanelName; // bosszone上報頻道名; 默認為頻道英文名 this.sportsType = options.sportsType || false; // 體育頻道只展開一條; 默認false this.linkType = 1; // 1為鏈接到大傢愛看獨立產品; 0為鏈接到微博頁 var that = this; if(window.location.toString().indexOf('type=djakPre') != -1){ that.djakData = '' + that.chanelName + '_data_djak/pre_data.json'; }else{ that.djakData = '' + that.chanelName + '_data_djak/cur_data.json'; } that.LoadScript(that.djakData+"?random="+Math.random(), function(){ //console.log(jsonData); var jsonDataLength = jsonData.length; that.$(that.djakContent).innerHTML = ""; if(that.chanelName == "sports"){ //體育頻道 that.djakDataBasketball = []; //籃毬所有數据 that,童顏針.djakDataFootball = []; //足毬所有數据 that.djakDataOther = [],新竹借錢; //其他所有數据 that.djakDataSports = []; //體育所有數据 for(var i=0;i'); if(jsonData.content_type == 2){ that.djakDataFootball.push(''+(jsonData.pub_title)+''); }else{ that.djakDataFootball.push(''+(jsonData.pub_title)+''); } that.djakDataFootball.push(''),台北票貼; if(jsonData.img_url != ""){ that.djakDataFootball.push(''); } that.djakDataFootball.push('

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